cloud data management

Building a Cloud for Yahoo!

Cooper, Brian F.; Baldeschwieler, Eric; Fonseca, Rodrigo; Kistler, James J.; Narayan, P.P.S.; Neerdaels, Chuck; Negrin, Toby; Ramakrishnan, Raghu; Silberstein, Adam; Srivastava, Utkarsh; Stata, Raymie

Yahoo! is building a set of scalable, highly-available data storage and processing services, and de-
ploying them in a cloud model to make application development and ongoing maintenance significantly
easier. In this paper we discuss the vision and requirements, as well as the components that will go into
the cloud. We highlight the challenges and research questions that arise from trying to build a com-
prehensive web-scale cloud infrastructure, emphasizing data storage and processing capabilities. (The

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