
HBase and Hypertable for large scale distributed storage systems

Khetrapal, Ankur; Ganesh, Vinay

BigTable is a distributed storage system developed at
Google for managing structured data and has the
capability to scale to a very large size: petabytes of
data across thousands of commodity servers. As now,
there exist two open-source implementations that
closely emulate most of the components of Google’s
BigTable i.e. HBase and Hypertable. HBase is
written in Java and provides BigTable like
capabilities on top of Hadoop. Hypertable is
developed in C++ and is compatible with multiple
distributed file systems. Both HBase and Hypertable


Privacy-preserving Digital Identity Management for Cloud Computing

Bertino, E; Paci, F; Ferrini, R; Shang, N

Digital identity management services are crucial in cloud computing infrastructures to authenticate
users and to support flexible access control to services, based on user identity properties (also called
attributes) and past interaction histories. Such services should preserve the privacy of users, while at the
same time enhancing interoperability across multiple domains and simplifying management of identity
verification. In this paper we propose an approach addressing such requirements, based on the use of

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